Here you will see a handy and complete overview of all start & end dates of our speakeasy courses for the year ahead. Please keep in mind that weekends* as well as the public holidays of the federal state of Berlin are course-free days, so make sure to check those before starting your course or ask us via email or by contacting the front desk. *Exception: Weekend online courses.
03.02 - 01.03.2025
04.08 - 30.08.2025
01.09 - 27.09.2025
29.09 - 25.10.2025
27.10 - 22.11.2025
24.11 - 20.12.2025
Course-free weeks 2024
I. 01.01. until 06.01.2024
II. 29.04. until 04.05.2024
III.29.07. until 03.08.2024
IV. 23.12. until 31.12.2024
Course-free weeks 2025
I. 01.01. until 04.01.2025
II. 28.04. until 03.05.2025
III. 28.07. until 02.08.2025
IV. 22.12. until 31.12.2025
Public holidays outside of course-free periods
End of World War II
German Unity Day
Public holidays within course-free periods
Labor Day
01.05.2025 (Thursday)
Christmas Day
25.12.2025 (Thursday)
2. Christmas Day
26.12.2025 (Friday)
The school remains closed during the holidays.
Company holidays 2024/25:
December 23rd, 2024 – January 1st, 2025 (course-free remaining week until Saturday, January 4th, 2025)